Raymond & Diane Perron

Raymond Perron gives an update on the work in Quebec in this video.
Raymond Perron came to faith in Christ on January 15, 1977, simply through reading the Scriptures. He had experienced no ongoing discussion with a believer, no preaching or church life and was not even the subject of specific prayer by Christians. For twelve years he had what was considered a successful career in broadcasting. As news director of a leading Quebec radio station, he felt no need for religion. A friend had given him a New Testament which had joined other miscellaneous articles in the glove compartment of his car until, in God's grace and time, a "felt need" was created and he remembered the Bible. A hungry reading of it over a brief period of time brought Raymond to cry out to God for mercy. That cry was heard, and Raymond became a new creature.
Two years earlier, through the witness of a friend, Diane was brought to salvation in Christ. While enjoying all the benefits of working in a travel agency, Diane was challenged to leave the agency and volunteer as a secretary at Berea Bible Institute in Montreal. It was in this college that Raymond enrolled to study the Bible that had changed his life. After completing the diploma course, he began a pastoral ministry in the Montreal area. He taught anthropology and introduction to the New Testament at Berea, and he also married the secretary on December 19, 1981.
As the evangelical world of Canada heard of the conversion and ministry of Raymond, it was no surprise that World Vision Canada lured him away from his beloved Quebec to serve as French communication specialist in Toronto. While missing their French culture, the Perrons nevertheless enjoyed the cosmopolitan nature of Toronto, and they soon discovered the further education available at Toronto Baptist Seminary. While continuing to serve with World Vision, Raymond successfully completed the Master of Divinity program at T.B.S. The call of Quebec prevailed, though, and with their son, Jonathan, born October 14, 1986, they returned to Quebec City to plant a church. Raymond had not only been introduced to Reformed theology, but he also embraced it and desired to preach it to lost sinners and to disciple believers in these truths.
Laurentides Evangelical Church (Reformed Baptist) began in the Perrons' living room. With very little encouragement and even less financial support, their first years back in the province were difficult. Once again Raymond was able to teach, this time as guest lecturer in New Testament and Theology at the (Presbyterian) Farel Institute. Following the advice of friends, he began a course of doctoral studies at the University of Laval. He successfully defended his thesis on “The Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til” and was urged to start a pastoral training course. In the meantime the church grew to 18 members with nearly 40 attending on a regular basis.
With a severe space problem in their facility and the possibility of several other ministries if space was available, the church moved closer to Quebec City and renovated a small office building. The name was changed to Église Baptiste Réformée de Charlesbourg (Reformed Baptist Church of Charlesbourg.) Recently, the church has moved again, this time to Quebec City itself, and again the name changed to Église Baptiste Réformée de la Capitale. The Lord has blessed this church with substatnial growth due to the uniting of another church in Quebec City with Église Baptiste Réformée de la Capitale.
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church of La Mirada, California, is the ARBCA member church with responsibility for the Perrons. With the involvement of the California congregation, other US churches have assisted in granting adequate financial support for Raymond, Diane and Jonathan.
Beginning in January of 2001 Raymond launched out into a full-time church planting ministry in the province of Quebec. God has raised up groups of believers in Montreal and in Drummondville that Raymond is shepherding. U.S. churches have picked up Raymond’s full support financially which has enabled the Quebec City church to call a pastor to take his place. Raymond has started a “Log College” in Quebec City to train men to pastor the churches he endeavors to plant all along the St. Lawrence River. On April 6, 2005 as Association of Reformed Baptist Churches (AÈRBQ) was incorporated. There are now 6 churches in this Association. In September of 2008 a new church plant effort was begun in Aylmer and also in 2008 a Christian radio began broadcasting in Quebec City. The glorious Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace is being preached in the very uniquely French culture of Quebec to perishing souls in need of the Savior and churches are being planted for the glory of God.
Additional information may be obtained from Raymond ( raymondperron47@gmail.com), the ARBCA Missions Coordinator ( arbca@reformedbaptist.com), or from his ARBCA sponsoring church in California (sam.renihan@gmail.com).
Email: raymondperron47@gmail.com
6225 9e ave, est
Charlesbourg Qc
Canada G1H 4A9
(418) 628-4333